Have you been involved in a road traffic accident?

Unsure whether you can claim compensation?

Do you want FREE legal advice on cycle accident claim settlements?

There are over 5,000 accidents involving bicycles every year in Australia. Of these about 1,000 riders are seriously injured or killed. Some cycle accident claim settlements involve a highway authority due to injury caused by poor road maintenance although most claims arise from a collision with a motor vehicle . This type of accident is commonly caused by motorists not watching for cyclists on the inside when turning left or not giving a cyclist adequate space and forcing past them. The most serious accidents usually involve a vehicle turning right at speed in front of an oncoming cyclist. Drivers need to be aware that cyclists are vulnerable, in fact for every kilometre traveled they are 14 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than car drivers.

A bike rider doesnt have solid protection and is usually thrown from their cycle in the course of a collision. Even with the protective measure of a helmet, the bike rider is at great risk of severe injury when involved in a high speed accident. A helmet may prevent some head injuries but does not prevent damage to the neck by fracture or dislocation which may cause paraplegia or quadriplegia. An individual suffering from serious injury is faced with the uncertainty of their prognosis, the uncertainty of how they will cope and how they will be able to take care of themselves and their dependents for the rest of their lives. A cycle accident claim settlement is designed to provide the victim with financial security and in very serious cases to ensure that their financial needs are met for the rest of their lives.

If you were a rider involved in an accident, then you may be entitled to compensation. We offer free legal advice to all who are involved in accidents, regardless of fault. Whether you were injured as a result of being hit by a motor vehicle or the result of poorly maintained roads, we are able to provide you with specialist legal advice. Even if you were partially to blame for the accident we are able to claim a proportion of the damages that would be due on a full liability basis, using the doctrine of ‘contributory negligence’ whereby a judge will apportion blame on a percentage basis and award damages accordingly.

If you were injured because of the negligence of another, you will receive a cycle accident claim settlement for the pain and suffering of any injuries, loss of earnings both past and anticipated in the future and all other reasonably incurred losses including.

  • repairs/replacement of your cycle
  • replacement accessories (lights, panniers, etc.)
  • damage to clothing, helmet

Here are 3 good reasons to choose our lawyers:


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