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Are you suffering from an industrial illness?

Unsure whether you can claim compensation?

Are you looking for FREE legal advice?

Do you want to make an occupational disease claim?

These conditions and syndromes are preventable by reducing or eliminating hazardous exposures in the workplace. They are often difficult to recognise because their symptoms may mimic non-occupational illness. Additionally there often exists a long latency period between the exposure and manifestation of symptoms of the illness.

Although compensation claims for personal injury generally must be brought within 3 years of the cause, the time limit may be extended where the date of the knowledge of your injury and its cause is some time after the damage arose.

It is important however, that you do not delay in obtaining legal advice for an occupational disease claim. As soon as you become aware that you may have symptoms you should see your doctor immediately for a medical assessment and if necessary you should seek legal advice immediately.

Here are 3 good reasons to choose our lawyers:


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Occupational Disease – Medical Condition 
Diseases of the Airways Asthma, Bronchitis, Irritant-Induced Asthma or Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome, Byssinosis, Emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease, rhinitis, fibrosis, alveolitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, emphysema, Second hand smoke induced complaints.
Lung DiseasesAsbestosis, Pneumonicoses, Mesothelioma, Silicosis, Hard Metal Disease, Cobalt-related lung disease, Chronic Beryllium Disease, Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP), Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Toxic Pneumonitis, talcosis (exposure to talc),COLD (chronic obstructive lung disease, also called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Occupational CancerLung Cancer, Bladder Cancer. Exposure to Vinyl Chloride, Asphalt Fumes, Benzidine, Carcinogens.
Heavy Metal PoisoningExposure to heavy metals such as: Manganese, Mercury, Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic.
Skin DiseasesSkin infections, burns, Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Contact Urticaria, Oil Acne & Chloracne, Photo-Allergic & Photo-Irritant Contact Dermatitis (PACD & PICD), Skin Cancer, latex sensitization
Occupational Bone DiseasesOsteonecrosis (decompression), osteomalacia (cadmium) & skeletal fluorosis (fluorides), acro-osteolysis (vinyl chloride),
Occupational Eye Diseases Cataracts (chemical or radiation induced).
Occupational Ear DiseasesNoise-induced hearing loss.
Reproductive HazardsReproductive Disorders resulting from Occupational Exposures. Therapeutic abortion or miscarriage in women; impotence or sterility in men.
Chronic Toxic Encephalopathy Neurotoxic syndromes and occupational exposure to solvents
Peripheral NeuropathyExposure to toxic chemicals: Carbon Disulfide, Lead Arsenic, Acrylamide Exposure During Chemical Grouting Operations, Mercury, N-hexane, Organophosphates, Thallium, Ethylene Oxide. 
Aplastic AnemiaBenzene Exposure. 
Infectious diseasesHepatitis, scabies, shingles, TB, histoplasmosis, Legionnaires Disease, Lyme Disease, Rabies.
Pesticide poisoningPoisoning by fumigants, Organophosphate (OP) Poisoning.
Caisson’s Disease
(Decompression illness)
Adverse effects related to commercial diving and compressed air work.
Cardiac & Acute Vascular EventsMyocardial infarction (heart attack); stroke; aneurysm (blood clot); angina (chest pains); mitral valve.e.g worker suffers MI during compensable back surgery.
Environmental Sensitivity ConditionsAny of following: environmental hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity, 20th century disease, sick building syndrome, odour intolerance e.g. perfume, mould exposure